Monday, May 9, 2011

Brickhouse Commodores Album Cover

Brickhouse Commodores Album Cover. Whereas FNM#39;s cover of The
  • Whereas FNM#39;s cover of The

  • duervo
    Mar 23, 06:14 PM
    should we ban email? I get mass emails on occasion from people at work notifying me of check points. Where does the censorship end "to save a life"?

    Where does it begin to save a life? Removing apps that give real-time status to DUI checkpoints.

    Brickhouse Commodores Album Cover. Commodores - Easy
  • Commodores - Easy

  • cadillaccactus
    Sep 5, 12:51 PM
    Gonna need a few more shares to make any money, but good effort. ;)

    30 more shares. and dont be a dick. ;)

    Brickhouse Commodores Album Cover. Gold by Commodores (The) (CD,
  • Gold by Commodores (The) (CD,

  • dekator
    Sep 4, 12:46 AM
    Well, if Steve wants to shun Europe, ok. However, these yes, no, maybe games are utterly unbecoming of a company like Apple. Not untypical but out of place. The main representatives not being able to say when and where they'll show isn't very reassuring.

    Well, I'll be on vacation for a week soon, so when I'm be back, we'll know more, perhaps.
    Still... leaving out a free trip to Paris, duh! And these guys are designing our computers? OMG. Ah well, it's not really them, they just give the orders.

    Brickhouse Commodores Album Cover. CD--Keep on Dancing [Legacy]
  • CD--Keep on Dancing [Legacy]

  • bdj21ya
    Oct 12, 01:14 PM
    Granted, this is a good thing.

    But does anyone else find it ironic that the iPods in question are being made by people who according to media reports could use this type of financial subsidization as well?

    It's not really the same. They are poor and struggling to improve their lives, but their entire people is not being wiped out by a disease that they don't have the resources to understand, much less combat.

    Brickhouse Commodores Album Cover. Pay for Commodores - The
  • Pay for Commodores - The

  • Macnoviz
    Oct 13, 01:49 AM
    Oh boy... the Catholic Church is WAY too easy of a target. We should probably leave that one alone.

    I hope you people realise that not all people in the catholic church think about condoms and such the way the Vatican does.

    I am a seminarian (priest in training so to speak) and do not think condoms should be forbidden.

    Don't forget that the Catholic church is very open, as in the Evolution theory, Big Bang, not taking the bible as a science or history book.

    Furhtermore, the pope has an iPod nano, and he saaid computer technology is the future.

    Brickhouse Commodores Album Cover. Billie Holiday – Easy to Love
  • Billie Holiday – Easy to Love

  • spiderman0616
    Apr 28, 03:49 PM
    Microsoft lets too many things die on the vine. Everything has to be run up the flagpole to get the green light, and that whole process takes so long that nothing truly innovative ever happens.

    Windows 7 is awesome, Office 2010 is awesome, and I sure do love my Xbox 360, but right now, mobile gadgets sell. Zune was a bust, Courier looked amazing but was cancelled for some reason (I REALLY wanted a Courier), and Windows Phone 7.....jury's out. I would buy a Windows 7 phone before I'd buy an Android phone, but who knows what kind of lasting support it's going to have. Maybe when Nokia is making these in full force I'll take another look.

    I've been saying it for the last year, and I'll say it again--Microsoft is in a death spiral. The days of people camping out in line for the next version of Windows are over.

    Brickhouse Commodores Album Cover. From 1977 on, the Commodores
  • From 1977 on, the Commodores

  • Lynxpoint
    Sep 14, 02:54 PM
    aperture update aside, what do the "pro photographers" on here see as something missing in their workflow or that could critically change their workflow?

    I like the sound of a monitor that self colour corrects, for example.

    Brickhouse Commodores Album Cover. Commodores - She#39;s A Brick
  • Commodores - She#39;s A Brick

  • alent1234
    Apr 29, 02:11 PM
    I would call more than half its life, counting today, to be "long".

    The division sold its first unit in being started (and costing money) well before that, no doubt. It didn't hit "black" until 2008. In big business, that's basically a miracle story of survival. If Sony wasn't making money elsewhere, you can bet it would not have even made the 360.

    both articles say the division/business unit that the x-box is in finally turned a profit. in 2010 this unit also included Office for Mac and Zune. the latest earnings release has no mention of Office for Mac in this unit but it still has windows phone and Microsoft's IP Television unit. ironically the big profit jump came after office for mac was kicked out of the unit

    i'm bet x-box has been doing just fine and that windows phone and the IPTV units are the loss leaders

    at some point apple is going to stop growing because the market penetration of smartphones will be at the point where you are just selling replacement phones. since AT&T opened the floodgates last year for early upgrades we'll see how things go this year

    Brickhouse Commodores Album Cover. Commodores funkiest album.
  • Commodores funkiest album.

  • zero2dash
    Jul 14, 10:44 AM
    Conroe benchmarks posted on AnandTech ( are really good.

    The overclocking features are even more impressive.
    The $316 E6600 with a 2.4ghz cpu clock speed was air overclocked to 4ghz stable. ON AIR. I shudder to think of what they could do with liquid cooling.

    This brings me to think another thing - conceivably Apple could forego the whole "Quad Woodcrest" setup (which will undoubtedly cost a boatload) and they could simply take a Core 2 and (with Intel's help) overclock it with the current air flow setup of the G5 case, and probably double cpu clock speed at a cheaper price.

    But they won't do it. :( a) retail systems (save for the overpriced Dell XPS lineup) aren't usually overclocked and b) it would screw up their whole price scheme. It does bring up another interesting point though...people could coincidentally *possibly* overclock their [Core 2] Macs (since the technology is there in the cpu itself)...for the first time ever? We could see iMacs potentially being overclocked to outperform a Mac Pro. (if someone figures out how to do it that is)

    Brickhouse Commodores Album Cover. Holden VE Commodore
  • Holden VE Commodore

  • plinkoman
    Sep 13, 09:18 PM
    wow, looks nice. But i have an iPod, and a razr; so I really have no need for this.

    and yes, it does look like that lg thing, but thats only because lg made a pathetic attempt at copying the clickwheel. :rolleyes:

    Brickhouse Commodores Album Cover. Image of The Commodores
  • Image of The Commodores

  • Tones2
    Apr 22, 11:38 AM
    I think the debate here is people who prefer local storage vs those who want cloud based storage. Those who want cloud based storage are saying that this will nor replace local storage but just be an OPTION, so why all the fuss?

    Well, the DANGER is that with the initiation of cloud based storage, Apple will no longer feel the NEED to increase local storage and might even reduce it. Heck, we've been sitting on 32 GB iPhone and 64 GB touch for almost 3 years now (and 64 GB iPad for 2 years) with no real hope that this will increase next generation. Remember that it's been over 5 years ago when 160GB was the norm on iPod Classics and local storage was increasing every single cycle and people were dying to have it. Who would have thought at that time that it would top out there and suddenly decline dramatically in newer devices. It's scary really.

    We again need increases in on-device capacity! My library is never going to get smaller, for christ sake, only larger. Cloud based storage gives us the danger of again stagnant or decreases in local storage as an Apple PHILOSOPHY, which would totally suck.


    Brickhouse Commodores Album Cover. Cover
  • Cover

  • Misplaced Mage
    Sep 26, 05:29 PM
    Mark me down in the "it's on Cingular because it's HSDPA" camp. If Apple seriously intends to sell songs (and TV shows? movies? games?) from the iTunes Store over the air, they need two things:

    Brickhouse Commodores Album Cover. quot;Easyquot; - the Commodores
  • quot;Easyquot; - the Commodores

  • 124151155
    Apr 15, 09:02 AM
    It's be a good idea if Thunderbolt was capable of handling USB 3 as well, like the thunderbolt port in the MacBook Pro can also do mini display.
    I guess that way it'd at least be used more, but also nobody would be uncertain about getting Thunderbolt because they know even if it is a flop the port is still useful...

    Brickhouse Commodores Album Cover. 320 kbps | Lyrics | Covers
  • 320 kbps | Lyrics | Covers

  • lilo777
    Apr 19, 05:16 PM
    And as I said, they are their number one customer, also as reported in the WSJ. If you don't think some bonuses were rewarded at Samsung for landing the account with Apple, and that your number one customer isn't important, then you know very little about business.

    First, Apple is not Samsung's biggest customer. Sony is (link ( Secondly, Apple is not your regular customer. They are the customer that is suing them! It's not your regular business situation. Thirdly, Samsung is the biggest supplier of LCDs, RAMs and flash memory. Apple simply can not replace them (there is no spare capacity available around). That's why Apple will be screwed.

    Brickhouse Commodores Album Cover. cover of quot;Easyquot; by the
  • cover of quot;Easyquot; by the

  • Popeye206
    Apr 19, 08:51 AM
    Too bad Apple couldn't just ask Samsung to behave themselves... Maybe they did?

    I don't know about you, but it's pretty obvious to me that the Samsung devices pictured here are a clear and blatant rip-off of Apple's designs and interface. At least other Android devices had some differentiating elements. Not so here. Even a monkey could see Samsung stealing Apple's bananas in this case.

    So you know, before you sue, you issue a "Cease" letter explaining your claim and asking the offending company to stop. So in essence, they did ask. It's part of the process.

    Really guys.... this is all just normal business. It amazes me when people get up in arms either way. Valid patents and technology innovations need to protected by their owners... otherwise they are fools to let others copy them... especially when you do have the hottest single product out there. Apple worked hard to get where they are and to just let others copy freely would be stupid on Apple's part.

    With that said, I'm saying the above as a "fanboy" but as someone in the software industry and value the things I've done in the past and patents we've had.

    Brickhouse Commodores Album Cover. Lionel
  • Lionel

  • HecubusPro
    Sep 5, 03:03 PM
    I'm really hoping for merom in mbp's and mb's. The wait has been killing me.

    Same here. I really want a new C2D MBP, but since all of this info about the iMac, movie store, nano, etc. has been taking the spotlight, the C2D laptop information has come to a near stop.

    Will we now be forced to wait longer than September. I still doubt it, but the quiet on this front the past week has been alarming to me.

    Brickhouse Commodores Album Cover. The Commodores#39; early years
  • The Commodores#39; early years

  • AidenShaw
    Mar 29, 02:42 PM
    I think he is. Too bad IDC isn't one of them.

    Why, because IDC isn't like David Pogue and Walter Mossberg - simply republishing Apple's latest PR dementia?

    Brickhouse Commodores Album Cover. Commodores Albums on 1 CD
  • Commodores Albums on 1 CD

  • womble2k2
    Apr 20, 11:04 AM
    I have just downloaded the app, and ran it. It does very accurately show where I have been since owning an iPhone. It shows various hot-spots like my home, my work address, my parents address and places I go to often.

    I'm not particulary worried as it would not be straightforward for someone to gain access to the backup file on my Macbook, however if the data is easily obtained via the phone, then this is a problem. If I lose my phone, I don't want someone dishonest to use this information.

    A fix is urgently required.


    Brickhouse Commodores Album Cover. Image of The Commodores
  • Image of The Commodores

  • strwrsfrk
    Apr 22, 12:58 PM
    This may have been asked and answered before, but is the common belief that USB and Firewire will be completely gone soon? For example, my Macbook Air has room for only two ports - a mini-display drive, and a USB drive. Is the idea that the Thunderbolt drive will replace the USB, and that purchasers of the new Air will use an adapter of some sort for "old" USB peripherals moving forward?

    If Apple has this expectation, they had better at least sell an appropriate adapter/hub. I've long thought a thin, form-matching hub that connects to all of the ports on one side of an Apple portable would be a great idea. If Apple can make a 2- or even 3-port USB hub off of the Thunderbolt port (especially if a Mini Display-Port is also available) for ~$50, that would be golden for this type of MBA plan.

    Apr 25, 09:37 AM
    I thought your mom is a senior partner at the largest law firm in Michigan and your uncle is the traffic court judge ? :D

    Miller Canfield is the largest law firm in Michigan and they have an office in Ann Arbor. Just sayin'.

    Sep 12, 02:28 PM
    Album art browsing is beautiful. Now that's one more reason to get art cover for all the songs in my library.

    Sep 20, 11:43 PM
    I'd have to say most people care almost nothing about a case or liner notes for DVDs since there really isn't anything of substance. Usually a synopsis and a chapter listing. With DVDs the good stuff is actually on the DVD, and hopefully the download is the same, with menus and different audio tracks, etc. If not, there is no point to downloading movies.

    But geez, ditch the jewel cases and liner notes and grow up already. Unless you're not grown up, in which case I envy you. Enjoy!

    I don't think being "grown up" has anything to do with it, which is a bit of a patronizing way to put it. For those who do enjoy having the physical disc plus case, instert, etc. in their hands, great. There's absolutely nothing wrong what-so-ever in wanting that. Why would it? It's a matter of personal preference.

    I would wager easily that most people do want and enjoy having that tactile experience of holding the case, reading the insert (if it comes with one), and placing the disc in the DVD player. The people who generally don't care about that sort of thing are the few who are ready for a service like this, or people who have been downloading TV shows and movies already, whether legal or otherwise.

    I'm looking forward to downloading HD content for my iTV, but I'm going to miss having that case, and I'm an old man--again, being "grown up" has nothing to do with it.

    Mar 30, 12:25 PM
    Yep i have few of those...One is 24"

    Not sure if that was meant to be a joke, but I found it really funny. :D

    Mar 29, 12:46 PM
    Have I just done the impossible? :D ( (

    Ahh this is great! Seriously thank you and there must have been an update since I have last tried to do this, which has been a while back now.

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